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Seminar for those teaching or researching Sacred Scripture

At the request of a number of persons interested in the study of Scripture, especially former students of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the Institute organizes a program of ongoing training for researchers in, and teachers of, Sacred Scripture in Faculties of Theology and other institutions of learning.

The details for this program are as follows: every year a seminar of study will be organized, designed for teachers and/or researchers in the domain of Sacred Scripture. The purpose is to enable those taking part to get up to date with developments in the various fields of biblical studies and to provide a platform for discussion among those professionally engaged in the teaching of Scripture in various parts of the world. The seminar should not only be an opportunity for listening and getting up to date, but also of active participation, encouraging those in attendance to share experiences in the fields of teaching and of research.

The seminar avails itself of some professors, chosen from instructors at the Biblical Institute or from other faculties, who are entrusted with the planning of the seminar. Other professors are also involved to present different subject matters, which will have every day a thematic or methodological unity.

The seminar will last a week, from Monday to Friday inclusive, and will take place between the two semesters, that is, towards the end of January.

The direction of the seminars of 2012 and 2013 was een entrusted by the rector of the Institute to Prof. José Luis Sicre Díaz, S.J. From 2013, the direction was entrusted to Prof. Pietro Bovati, S.J. In 2022, the Rector has appointed as the new director Prof. R.P. Jean Louis Ska, S.J.

Seminar 2025 [20 - 24 January 2025]

Subject:  The Historical Perspectives on the Old Testament

Academic Coordinator of the Seminar is Prof. Paolo Merlo (Pontifical Lateran University and Visiting professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute), assisted by Prof. Jean Louis Ska.

The Seminar comprises three common formal lectures each day: two in the morning (9:00-12:00) [except on Thursday, when three are scheduled] and one in the afternoon (15:00-16:15), along with in-depth afternoon sessions (16:30-18:00) for groups. These lafternoon sessions may take the form of lecture presentations or seminar discussions.


[The topics are indicative; the exact titles of the presentations may undergo changes].
N.B.: The seminar will be in Italian

Monday, 20 January

** Methodological Issues: Focus on the Histories of Israel and Judah

  1. The object of study: Identity of “Israel” and “Judah”
    Prof. Fabio Porzia [National Research Council, Rome].
  2. Hitoriography of Ancient Israel in the 21st Century: Origins and the Iron Age
    Prof. Peter Dubovski [Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome].
  3. Historiography of Samaria and Judah in the 21st Century: The Persian and Hellenistic Ages
    Prof. Dario Garribba [Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy - section San Luigi].

The following in-depth afternoon sessions are currently planned; others may be added (the sessions are simultaneous):

  1. Sennacherib in Jerusalem (2Kings 18:13.17–19,37 and the Annals RINAP 3/2 n. 46:22-32)
    Prof. Krzysztof Kinowski [John Paul II University, Lublin]
  2. What Remains of the “Reforms” of Hezekiah and Josiah?
    Prof. Ida Oggiano [National Research Council, Rome].
  3. From Alexander the Great to Alexander Iannæus: the question of 'Hellenization' and the establishment of the Hasmonean state
    Prof. Vasile Babota [Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome]

Tuesday, 21 January

** Texts and beyond Texts. The Contribution of Archaeology

  1. The Source Value of Biblical Texts in the Historiography of Ancient Israel against the Backdrop of Archaeology
    Prof. Christian Frevel [Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany].
  2. The Archaeology of Israel and Judas in the 21st Century: The Origins and Iron Age
    Prof. Ida Oggiano [National Research Council, Rome].
  3. The Archaeology of Israel and Judah: The Neo-Babylonian, Persian, and Hellenistic Ages
    Prof. Oded Lipschits [Tel Aviv University].

The following in-depth afternoon sessions are currently planned; others may be added (the sessions are simultaneous):

  1. Recent Excavations in Jerusalem: Evidence and Interpretations.
    Prof. Josef Mario Briffa [Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome].
  2. Hetoriographical Paradigms of the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah
    Prof. Francesco Bianchi [Independent Researcher].

Wednesday, 22 January

** Extra-biblical Sources for the History of Israel and Judah

  1. Documentary Sources for the History of Israel and Judah: The Iron Age
    Prof. Paolo Merlo [Pontifical Lateran University, Rome]
  2. Documentary Sources for the History of Israel and Judah: The Hellenistic and Roman Ages
    Prof. Dorota Hartman [University of Naples L’Orientale].

[Wednesday afternoon: free]

Thursday, 23 January

** Israel among Nations: What Identities? What Relations?

  1. Mesopotamia and Israel: Historical and Cultural Interconnections
    Prof. Anthony Soo Hoo
    [Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome].
  2. The Levantine Coast: Phoenicians and Philistines
    Prof. Tatiana Pedrazzi [National Research Council, Milan].
  3. The States of the Inner Regions: Aram, Ammon, Moab and Edom
    Prof. Giulia Francesca Grassi [University of Udine].
  4. Egypt and Israel: Historical and Cultural Interconnections
    Prof. Paola Buzi [University of Rome La Sapienza].

The following in-depth afternoon sessions are currently planned; others may be added (the sessions are simultaneous):

  1. The Tribes of Israel. Between History and Ideals
    Prof. Elisa Cagnazzo [Teological Faculty of Northern Italy, section of Turin].
  2. "The Lord your God has fought for you" (Jos 23:3). The narratives of conquest in Joshua and the language of war in the historiographical texts of the ancient Near East
    Prof. Flavio Dalla Vecchia ["Sacro Cuore" Catholic University, Milan].
  3. The Jewish Diaspora in Ptolemaic Egypt Considering the Old Testament and the Extra-Biblical Sources: Life, Identity, Relations with the “Others” and the Homeland
    Prof. Martina Korytiaková [Comenius University, Bratislava].

Friday, 24 January

** The Religious Context

  1. The Religion of Israel and Judah in th Royal Era
    Prof. Paolo Merlo [Pontifical Lateran University, Rome].
  2. The Religion of Judah in the Persian and Hellenistic Era
    Prof. Francesco Bianchi [Independent Researcher].

Friday p.m. (concluding panel discussion):


Requests for participation should be sent to the Secretary of the Institute: pibsegr@biblico.it.

Application deadline: October 10, 2024.

Online participation will also be possible. Please specify your preference for online participation when you send your registration email.

The participation fee is € 120. For members of the Association of ex-alunni in good standing the Fee is € 100.

No fee is required at the time of registration, but please send your application only if you really plan to attend, as the final organization of the week will also depend on the number of participants.


For further information: Segretario PIB (pibsegr@biblico.it)